Good overview; how did Eastern Orthodox Christianity (which split from the Catholic Church in the mid-11th century) differ from Rome in its basic concepts and worship style?

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how did Eastern Orthodox Christianity (which split from the Catholic Church in the mid-11th century) differ from Rome in its basic concepts and worship style?

Eastern Orthodox Christianity, which split from the Catholic Church in the mid-11th century, differed from Rome in its basic concepts and worship style in several ways. I can explain the key differences:

1. Authority and Primacy: One of the main differences between Eastern Orthodoxy and Roman Catholicism is the concept of authority and primacy. The Roman Catholic Church recognizes the Pope as the head of the church, while Eastern Orthodoxy emphasizes a collegiate form of leadership among the patriarchs. Each national or regional Orthodox Church is autonomous, governed by its own bishops, and there is no universally acknowledged supreme leader like the Pope.

2. The Filioque Controversy: The Filioque controversy refers to the disagreement over the inclusion of the phrase "and the Son" in the Nicene Creed. The Eastern Orthodox Church rejects the addition of this phrase, as it believes that the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father alone. In contrast, the Roman Catholic Church added the phrase to affirm that the Holy Spirit proceeds from both the Father and the Son.

3. Sacraments and Liturgy: Although both churches share several sacraments, such as baptism and communion, there are differences in their liturgical practices. Eastern Orthodox worship tends to be more ceremonial and mystical, with elaborate rituals and iconography playing a central role. The Roman Catholic liturgy also involves rituals and symbolism but places more emphasis on the role of the priest and the sacraments.

4. Marriage of Clergy: The Eastern Orthodox Church allows the ordination of married men as priests but requires bishops to be celibate or widowed. In contrast, the Roman Catholic Church practices mandatory celibacy for both priests and bishops.

5. Original Sin and Atonement: While both churches believe in the concept of original sin, there are differences in their understanding of atonement. The Roman Catholic Church teaches that Christ's death on the cross achieved salvation for humanity, while eastern Orthodox Christianity emphasizes the concept of theosis, where believers are called to participate in the divine nature of God through the Holy Spirit's transformative work.

To explore these differences in more depth, you can consult historical and theological sources, including books, journal articles, and online resources, written by scholars and experts in the field of Christian history.