I need help editing errors in parallelism in the following sentence: Is it true that Superman could leap tall buildings, run faster than a locomotive, and that bullets would bounce off his skin?

Here are the parts of the sentence that need to be parallel (that means they need to match each other in their construction):

Is it true that Superman

could leap tall buildings = verb phrase

run faster than a locomotive = verb phrase

that bullets would bounce off his skin = dependent clause

All need to be verb phrases
all need to be dependent clauses.

How will you make them match?

No. Superman was "faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive, and able to leap tall buildings in a single bound", ...

However, in this selection, are you asking if he could leap tall buildings, run faster than a locomotive,and dodge bullets?

or are you asking could he leap tall buildings, run faster than a locomotive, bounce bullets off his skin?

Personally, I thought Wonder Woman was a better superhero.

To edit errors in parallelism in the sentence "Is it true that Superman could leap tall buildings, run faster than a locomotive, and that bullets would bounce off his skin?" follow these steps:

Step 1: Identify the items in the list that need to be parallel. In this case, the items are:
- Leap tall buildings
- Run faster than a locomotive
- Bullets would bounce off his skin

Step 2: Analyze the structure of the sentence and determine how to make the items parallel.
- The first two items ("leap tall buildings" and "run faster than a locomotive") are in the form of verb phrases.
- The third item ("bullets would bounce off his skin") is in the form of a complete sentence.

Step 3: Revise the sentence to maintain parallelism.
- To maintain parallelism between the items, we need to reword the third item so that it matches the structure of the first two items.

Revised sentence: Is it true that Superman could leap tall buildings, run faster than a locomotive, and that his skin would make bullets bounce off?

Note: In the revised sentence, the third item has been rephrased to match the verb phrase structure of the first two items, maintaining parallelism.

To edit the errors in parallelism in the sentence, we need to ensure consistent phrasing and structure for all the elements. Here's a revised version:

"Is it true that Superman could leap tall buildings, run faster than a locomotive, and have bullets bounce off his skin?"

1. Make sure all elements follow the same pattern:
- "leap tall buildings"
- "run faster than a locomotive"
- "have bullets bounce off his skin"

2. Use the correct verb form (have) to maintain parallel structure in the sentence.