If you could reach absolute zero then?

A) The system falls into quantum ground state
B) The system will have an entropy of zero
C) Molecules will not overlap,
D) Particles will continue to move
E) There is still zero-point energy

Are all of these true?

Yes, all are true.

All exñept D) Particles will continue to move

Let's go through each option and I will explain their correctness:

A) The system falls into quantum ground state: This statement is generally true. Absolute zero is defined as the lowest possible temperature, where a system's thermal energy is minimal. At absolute zero, particles in the system reach their lowest energy state, known as the quantum ground state. So, option A is true.

B) The system will have an entropy of zero: This statement is not necessarily true. The third law of thermodynamics states that at absolute zero, the entropy of a perfect crystal (a highly ordered system) is zero. However, for most real-world systems, achieving absolute zero does not necessarily mean an entropy of zero. So, option B is not always true.

C) Molecules will not overlap: This statement is true. As the temperature approaches absolute zero, molecules slow down and their kinetic energy decreases. As a result, the distance between the molecules increases, and they are less likely to overlap. So, option C is true.

D) Particles will continue to move: This statement is not true. At absolute zero, according to the laws of classical physics, particles would come to a complete stop. However, in quantum mechanics, even at absolute zero, particles will have some residual motion due to their zero-point energy. So, option D is partially true.

E) There is still zero-point energy: This statement is true. Zero-point energy refers to the minimum amount of energy that a physical system possesses even at absolute zero. It arises from the uncertainty principle in quantum mechanics. So, option E is true.

Therefore, the correct options are A, C, D, and E.