Levinson’s Hardware has a number of bikes and tricycles for sale. There are 27 seats and 60 wheels all told. Determine how many bikes and tricycles there are in the store

If there were 27 bikes, then there are 6 wheels left over. So there must be 6 tricycles and 27-6=21 bicycles.

what do you mean there are 6 wheels left over?

If there were only 27 bikes,

then there will be 6 wheels left.
Change each extra wheel together with a bike for a tricycle, you will get 6 tricycles and 21 bikes.

thanks i really appreciate it

You're welcome!

To determine the number of bikes and tricycles in the store, we can set up a system of equations based on the information provided. Let's assume "b" represents the number of bikes and "t" represents the number of tricycles.

1. The total number of seats:

Each bike has 1 seat, and each tricycle has 1 seat, so the total number of seats can be expressed as:
1 * b + 1 * t = 27 (Equation 1)

2. The total number of wheels:

Each bike has 2 wheels, and each tricycle has 3 wheels, so the total number of wheels can be expressed as:
2 * b + 3 * t = 60 (Equation 2)

We now have a system of two equations with two unknowns. We can use various methods to solve this system of equations. Here, we'll use the method of substitution.

From Equation 1, we can rewrite it as:
b = 27 - t (Equation 3)

Now, substitute Equation 3 into Equation 2:
2 * (27 - t) + 3 * t = 60

Simplify and solve for "t":
54 - 2t + 3t = 60
54 + t = 60
t = 60 - 54
t = 6

Now that we know t = 6, substitute this value into Equation 3 to find b:
b = 27 - t
b = 27 - 6
b = 21

So, there are 21 bikes and 6 tricycles in Levinson's Hardware.