It takes 4hr for 8 cooks to prepare food for a wedding rehearsal dinner. How long will it take 7 cooks to prepare the dinner.

4 hours 8 cooks to prepair 1 dinner, so 1 cook will prepare 1/32 of a dinner in an hour.

How long will it take 7 cooks to prepare 1 dinner?

To find out how long it will take 7 cooks to prepare the dinner, we can use the concept of work equivalency. If it takes 8 cooks 4 hours to complete a certain amount of work, we can assume that the work rate of the cooks is constant. Therefore, the total work done by the 8 cooks is:

8 cooks * 4 hours = 32 cook-hours

Now, we want to find out how long it will take 7 cooks to do the same amount of work. Let's denote the time it takes for 7 cooks to prepare the dinner as 't'. The work done by the 7 cooks can be calculated as:

7 cooks * t hours = 32 cook-hours

To find 't', we can divide both sides of the equation by 7 cooks:

t hours = 32 cook-hours / 7 cooks

Therefore, it will take 7 cooks approximately 4.57 hours to prepare the dinner for the wedding rehearsal.