Which country lawyer from Ashtabula, Ohio, argued that criminals are not born, but are made by the

unjust condition of human life?
A. Herbert Spencer
B. William Graham Sumner
C. Clarence Darrow
D. Washington Gladden

I'll be glad to check your answer.

The country lawyer from Ashtabula, Ohio, who argued that criminals are not born but are made by the unjust condition of human life is Clarence Darrow. To arrive at this answer, you can follow these steps:

1. Understand the context: The question is asking about a country lawyer from Ashtabula, Ohio, who held a particular belief about the origins of criminals. This means you need to look for information on a lawyer from that location who expressed this viewpoint.

2. Researching each option:
- Herbert Spencer: While Herbert Spencer was a philosopher and sociologist who discussed various aspects of society, he did not focus specifically on criminal origins. Therefore, we can eliminate this option.
- William Graham Sumner: Sumner was a sociologist known for his theories on social Darwinism. However, he did not specifically argue that criminals are made by the unjust condition of human life. Thus, we can eliminate this option as well.
- Clarence Darrow: Darrow, a famous American lawyer, is well-known for his defense of individuals involved in prominent criminal trials and his advocacy against the death penalty. He often emphasized that individuals were a product of their environment and that social circumstances played a significant role in criminal behavior. Therefore, there is a strong possibility that Darrow is the correct answer.
- Washington Gladden: Gladden was a prominent Congregational minister and social reformer, but he did not focus on criminal origins or the conditions leading to criminal behavior. Thus, we can eliminate this option.

3. Determine the correct answer: Based on the above analysis, the most likely answer is C. Clarence Darrow.

Note: It is important to double-check the information with additional sources to ensure accuracy.