here is my DBQ essay so far BUT it's NOT done tho.

Sectionalism – The Civil War
From the 1820’s to the 1860’s the North and South had different thoughts over slavery. It expanded through different sections of America. The North and South started to develop new ways in which to make money and lifestyles. The Abolitionist in the north disagreed with the south on slavery which caused civil war.
According to Document 1 the North have better resources than the South. For example, North have a better population then the South which is good for them because they make more money (more slaves = more $$$). Not only they have a bigger population, they have more factories. There are more other resources that North have then South.
The cotton production & slavery increased every year during the 1800's. The year when most cotton was produced was the year of 1860. The relationship between cotton production and slavery was that the more cotton that was produced that meant more slavery and more $$$. There was an invention that led to the increase of cotton production in the South, which was the cotton grin made by Eli Whiney.

is it good...??

Since this occurred in the past, you need to use the past tense of your verbs.

Please correct these errors.

I'm writing a paragraph in my DBQ about how the North and South divided over the issue of slavery.

The North and South were divided over the issue of slavery.

that's all i got ... BUT document 4 explains the divide over slavery which is related to the task.

in the chart under divided over slavery - views on slaves (slaveholders, moderates, ablitionists)

so i should write for the second sentence - there are 3 views of slavery - slaveholders, moderates, and aboilitionists. (does that sounds good...???)

and then I write what it is and the difference between them.

is that good?????

It seems like you have made a good start on your DBQ essay on sectionalism and the Civil War. You have clearly stated the main idea that the North and South had different thoughts on slavery, which ultimately led to the civil war. You have also provided some evidence from Document 1, highlighting the North's superior resources such as population and factories. Additionally, you have mentioned the relationship between cotton production and slavery and the role of Eli Whitney's cotton gin in increasing cotton production in the South.

However, it's important to note that this is just a small portion of your essay and there is a lot more to cover. To further improve your essay, you can consider the following:

1. Add more evidence: While Document 1 provides some insight, it is essential to gather more evidence from other documents or sources to strengthen your arguments and provide a more comprehensive analysis.

2. Provide historical context: To better understand sectionalism and the causes of the Civil War, it would be beneficial to provide some background information and historical context. This can include discussing events such as the Missouri Compromise, the Compromise of 1850, and the Kansas-Nebraska Act, which heightened tensions between the North and South.

3. Analyze perspectives: In a DBQ essay, it's important to analyze different perspectives and viewpoints. You can consider including perspectives from both the North and the South on issues such as slavery, economics, and political power.

4. Connect your evidence to your thesis: Ensure that each piece of evidence you provide is directly connected to your thesis statement. This helps to make your argument more cohesive and focused.

Remember to carefully structure and organize your essay, using paragraphs to break down your points and provide clear explanations. Don't forget to revise and proofread your work before submitting it. Good luck with the rest of your essay!