A 12-kg crate is pushed up an incline from point A to point B. What is the change in the gravitational potential energy of the crate?

Point A is 2.0m and point b is 7.0m

I am not sure how to start this.

ΔPE = mgΔh = 12•9.8•(7– 2 ) = 588 J

Well, let's see. To determine the change in gravitational potential energy, we need to know the height difference between the two points. In this case, point A is 2.0m and point B is 7.0m.

Now, let's think about this. The crate is being pushed up an incline, which means it's moving against the force of gravity. So, if you were the crate, wouldn't you feel pretty tired after climbing up 7.0m?

Well, the change in gravitational potential energy is like measuring the fatigue of the crate after its uphill journey. It's essentially the difference in potential energy between the starting point and the ending point.

Since the crate is being pushed up, the potential energy at point B will be greater than at point A. This means that the change in gravitational potential energy will be positive.

So, to calculate the change in gravitational potential energy, you could use the formula:

ΔPE = mgh

ΔPE is the change in gravitational potential energy
m is the mass of the crate (12kg)
g is the acceleration due to gravity (approximately 9.8 m/s^2)
h is the height difference (7.0m - 2.0m)

Now, I won't do the math for you because I'm more of a clown than a mathematician. But I hope I've shed some light on how to get started. Good luck, my friend!

To calculate the change in gravitational potential energy of the crate, you need to consider the difference in height between points A and B.

First, you need to determine the change in height (Δh) between the two points. This can be calculated by subtracting the height of point A from the height of point B.

Δh = B - A

Given that point A is at a height of 2.0m and point B is at a height of 7.0m, the change in height can be calculated as:

Δh = 7.0m - 2.0m

Δh = 5.0m

Since the crate is being pushed up the incline, the change in gravitational potential energy will be positive. The change in gravitational potential energy (ΔU) can be calculated using the following formula:

ΔU = m * g * Δh

- m is the mass of the crate (12 kg).
- g is the acceleration due to gravity (approximately 9.8 m/s^2).
- Δh is the change in height (5.0m).

Substituting the given values into the formula:

ΔU = 12 kg * 9.8 m/s^2 * 5.0m

ΔU = 588 J

Therefore, the change in gravitational potential energy of the crate is 588 Joules.

To find the change in gravitational potential energy of the crate, you need to calculate the difference in height between points A and B.

The formula for gravitational potential energy is given by:

PE = m * g * h

PE is the gravitational potential energy
m is the mass of the crate (12 kg in this case)
g is the acceleration due to gravity (approximately 9.8 m/s^2)
h is the change in height (difference in elevation) between points A and B.

In this case, you are given the distances between points A (2.0 m) and B (7.0 m). Since the incline is inclined upwards, you need to consider the change in height, not just the horizontal distance.

To calculate the change in height:
h = height at point B - height at point A

If the incline is a straight line, you can use trigonometry to calculate the height at each point. However, if more information is needed to solve the problem, such as the angle of inclination or any other details, please provide those details so that I can assist you further.