Indicate the alternative that both correctly evaluates the following sentence and correctly explains the reason for the evaluation. "As soon as you provide your date of birth on Line 2, your application for a flexible spending account will be processed."

a. Good positive emphasis because it focuses on the action the reader should take rather than on the fact that information was omitted from the form

b. Good positive emphasis because money is tight for most people these days

c. Lacks positive emphasis because this is an insignificant reason to hold up an application for a benefit open to all employees

d. Lacks positive emphasis because the employee should know better than to make such a mistake

I think it is A.

I agree.

Thank you so MUCH!

You're very welcome.

To evaluate the sentence and understand the reason behind it, we need to focus on the sentence itself. The sentence states, "As soon as you provide your date of birth on Line 2, your application for a flexible spending account will be processed."

Option a suggests that the sentence has good positive emphasis because it focuses on the action the reader should take instead of the fact that information was omitted from the form. However, there is no mention of omitted information in the sentence, so this option does not correctly evaluate the sentence or explain the reason for the evaluation.

Option b suggests that the sentence has good positive emphasis because money is tight for most people these days. However, the sentence does not mention anything about money or financial constraints, so this option does not correctly evaluate the sentence or explain the reason for the evaluation.

Option c suggests that the sentence lacks positive emphasis because the reason mentioned is insignificant to hold up an application for a benefit open to all employees. This is a valid evaluation of the sentence and correctly explains the reason for the evaluation. The sentence does not provide a strong reason for delaying or processing the application based on the date of birth.

Option d suggests that the sentence lacks positive emphasis because the employee should know better than to make such a mistake. However, the sentence does not mention any mistake made by the employee, so this option does not correctly evaluate the sentence or explain the reason for the evaluation.

Based on the evaluation and reasoning, option a is incorrect, option b is incorrect, option c is correct, and option d is incorrect. Therefore, the correct alternative is c: "Lacks positive emphasis because this is an insignificant reason to hold up an application for a benefit open to all employees."