Self Portrait with Dr. Arrieta by Francisco Jose de Goya

What are two techniques used for this painting?

Spanish Romanticism...not sure about any other....its oil on canvas (1820)

:The facial features of the frenchmen are exaggerated to show their confusion

:The frenchman's hats are comically large to show their self importance
:The frenchmen have large feet to show their clumsiness
:The frenchmen are comically short to show their inferiority***

TheREs FoUr sIS Ya WElCome

In Francisco Jose de Goya's painting "Self Portrait with Dr. Arrieta," there are various techniques employed to create a compelling and realistic image. Two prominent techniques used in this painting are chiaroscuro and impasto.

1. Chiaroscuro: Chiaroscuro is an Italian term that translates to "light-dark." It is a technique that involves using contrasting shades of light and dark to create a sense of depth and volume. In "Self Portrait with Dr. Arrieta," Goya employs chiaroscuro to add an element of drama to the composition. He strategically places areas of light and shadow to accentuate the facial features, creating a three-dimensional effect and lending a sense of realism to the portrait.

To identify the use of chiaroscuro, observe the painting for areas where there is a stark contrast between bright highlights and deep shadows. Look for the interplay of light and dark, especially on the face, to see how Goya has utilized this technique.

2. Impasto: Impasto is a technique in which paint is applied to the canvas in thick, textured layers. It involves using a brush or palette knife to create visible and tangible brushstrokes, adding dimension and texture to the painting. Goya incorporates impasto in "Self Portrait with Dr. Arrieta" to give the piece a more tactile and expressive quality. By using impasto, Goya creates a sense of energy and immediacy, emphasizing his own presence in the composition.

To identify impasto, examine the painting closely and observe areas where the paint is visibly thick and textured. Look for brushstrokes that are distinct and raised from the surface of the canvas. These textural elements indicate the use of impasto in the artwork.

By recognizing these techniques, chiaroscuro and impasto, you can appreciate the technical mastery and artistic choices made by Francisco Jose de Goya in "Self Portrait with Dr. Arrieta."