information that comes to a neuron muct arrive through its

Are these your choices?

glial cells.
prefrontal area.

What is your answer?

yes A.

The impulse from the sending neuron is passed through its axon across the synapse to the dendrites and/or cell body of the receiving neuron.

Which neuron are you referring to?

User: Most neurons send information to: A. glial cells. B. the nucleus. C. other neurons

Information that comes to a neuron must arrive through its dendrites. Dendrites are branch-like structures that extend from the cell body of a neuron, and they serve as the main input sites for receiving information from other neurons. They are equipped with numerous synaptic connections, where chemical signals called neurotransmitters are transmitted from one neuron to another.

When a neighboring neuron fires an action potential, it releases neurotransmitters that bind to receptor sites on the dendrites of the target neuron. This binding of neurotransmitters causes ion channels in the dendritic membrane to open, and it leads to a change in the electrical potential of the dendrites. This change in electrical potential, known as graded potentials, is the initial step in the process of transmitting information within a neuron.

The dendrites then integrate these graded potentials, summing them up and determining whether they are strong enough to produce an action potential. If the accumulated graded potentials surpass a certain threshold, an action potential is initiated at the axon hillock, which is the region where the axon connects to the cell body of the neuron. This action potential propagates down the axon, allowing the neuron to send the information it received to other neurons in the neural network.

In summary, the dendrites of a neuron play a crucial role in the reception of information from other neurons, allowing for the integration and transmitting of signals within the neuron.