Please double check my answers for me.

1. The appearance of a document can do all of the following except: A. establish rapport with the audience. B. guide your readers' attention C. substititue the written text in the document. D. Build goodwill.

answer: C. Substitute the written text in the document.

2. The design of a document reflects on the writer in terms of all of the following EXCEPT: A. social status. B. professionalism. C. competence. D. credibility.

answer: A. Social Status.

3. Which of the following would not be considered a violation of a convention? A. A business letter is hand wrtten. B. A resume is presented in an electronic format. C. Clipart is included throughout a loan contract. D. An attorney's business card is printed in red font on a yellow background.

answer: B. A resume is presented in an electronic format.

4. Which is a feature of good document design? A. Using at least three different fonts used to separate ideas. B. Setting as many words as possible in all capital letters. C. Using white space to separate andemphasize points. D. Putting important elements in the top right quadrant of the page.

answer: D. Putting important elements in the top right quadrant of the page.

5. Which of the following is not an advantage of headings. A. They break up the page, making it look less formidable and more interesting. B. They enable your reader to see how the document is organized at a glance. C. they help your reader to turn quickly to sections of special interest. D. they make a document shorter.

answer: D. they make a document shorter.

6. Our short-term memory can only hold about seven bits of information at a time. This means that you should: A. use words of six letters or less. B. use sentences of six words or less. C. never write a document with more then seven points. D. group large amounts of information into three to seven chunks.

answer: D. group large amounts of information into three to seven chunks.

7. What is the maximum number of fonts that should be used in a single document. A. one B. Two. C. Three. D. Four

answer: B. Two

8. Which of the following is not a serif font? A. Palatino B. Arial C. Times Roman D. New Courier

answer: B. Arial

9. Which of the following is a situation in which you should use fully justified text? A. You do not have proportional typefaces. B. You are using very short line lengths. C. You want to achieve a rather formal look. D. You want to be able to revise and individual page without reprinting the whole document.

answer: C. You want to achieve a rather formal look.

10. The eye moves in a Z pattern; therefore, the four quadrants of the page carry different visual weight. Which of the following is the most important quadrant of a page? A. Top Right. B. Bottom right. C. Top Left. D. Bottom left.

answer: C. Top Left.

11. Which is a sound recommendation for creating a professional business document? A. Use color to highlight small points that would otherwise go unnoticed. B. Use as many highlighting and decorative devises as possible to make the document look busy. C. Analyze your audience before making color choices since connotations of colors can vary. D. Avoid using any highlightings, decorative devices or color in business documents since they make documents hard to read.

answer: D. Avoid using any highlightings, decorative devices or color in business documents since they make documents hard to read

12. Which of the following would be more appropriate to present in paragraph form than as a table within a document? A. Descriptions of the three key events that have lead up to the decision to relocate the business. B. Comparative sales figures, by month, from 2004 to 2007 C. The names and employee identification numbers on the 16 staff members in the marketing department. D. Insurance quotes from six companies.

answer: B. Comparative sales figures, by month, from 2004 to 2007

13. Visuals can be used for all of the following in a document EXCEPT to: A. present material more compactly than if it appeared in the written text. B. Cover up the fact that what is written in the documents is incomplete. C. make points vivid by emphasizing what is written. D. Emphasize material that might otherwise go unnoticed.

answer: B.) Cover up the fact that what is written in the document is incomplete.

14. Which visiual could NOT be used to compare items over time? A. A table B. A pie chart. C. A line graph D. A bar chart.

15. Five companies contributed different amounts to a local charity. Which visual could best illustrate the percentage of all the monies collected that each company's contribution represented? A. A table B. A bar chart C. A line graph D. A pie chart

answer: D. A pie chart.

16. When would a full explanation of a visual be necessary? A. When similar material is presented to the audience quite frequently. B. When the material is new to the audience. C. When the information it presents is a minor part of your proof. D. When the audience is familiar with the topic and the data.

answer: B. When the material is new to the audience.

17. When you want an audience to focus on specific numbers, use a: A. Pie chart B. Table C. Line graph. D. Bar chart

answer: B. Table

18. when you want an audience to compare a segment of a whole to the whol, use a: A. Pie Chart B. Table. C. Line graph. D. Bar chart

answer: A. Pie Chart.

19. Which of the following would NOT be characteristic of an effective brochure? A. A funny or unusual headline that captures the audience's attention. B. Positiong the central selling point on the front panel. C. Repeating design elements, such as headings and small photos, to create a unified look across panels. D. Using very little white space to be able to accomodate as much informational test as possible.

answer: D. Using very little white space to be able to accomodate as much informational test as possible.

20. Which is recommended for an effective web page? A. Use a dark colored background to make the page unique. B. Use several large graphics to create an "image." C. Provide a link to the homepage on each page. D. Put information that will be most interesting to readers at the bottom of the first screen so they will see everything else while they are looking for this information.

answer: C. Provide a link to the homepage on each page

I disagree with you on 10 and 12.

I'm not sure about 6 and 11.

14 -- ??

I thought I updated this, however I entered my answers that I stated above for my grade. I got 17 out of 20 correct, the wrong answers were:

4. It should of been C.
11. Should of been D.
12. Should of been B.

1. The appearance of a document can do all of the following except substititue the written text in the document. To double-check this answer, you can review the options and eliminate the incorrect ones. In this case, options A, B, and D all reflect possible benefits of document appearance, leaving option C as the only one that does not fit.

2. The design of a document reflects on the writer in terms of all of the following except social status. To double-check this answer, you can review the options and eliminate the incorrect ones. In this case, options B, C, and D all reflect possible aspects of reflection in design, leaving option A as the only one that does not fit.

3. Which of the following would not be considered a violation of a convention? A resume is presented in an electronic format. To double-check this answer, you can review the options and eliminate the incorrect ones. In this case, options A, C, and D all reflect possible violations of conventions, leaving option B as the only one that does not fit.

4. Putting important elements in the top right quadrant of the page is a feature of good document design. To double-check this answer, you can review the options and evaluate which one fits the criteria of good document design.

5. They make a document shorter is not an advantage of headings. To double-check this answer, you can review the options and eliminate the incorrect ones. In this case, options A, B, and C all reflect possible advantages of headings, leaving option D as the only one that does not fit.

6. Grouping large amounts of information into three to seven chunks is recommended because our short-term memory can only hold about seven bits of information at a time. To double-check this answer, you can review the options and eliminate the ones that do not align with the concept of grouping information into chunks.

7. Two is the maximum number of fonts that should be used in a single document. To double-check this answer, you can review the options and evaluate which one aligns with the recommendation of using a limited number of fonts.

8. Arial is not a serif font. To double-check this answer, you can review the options and identify which one does not belong to the serif font category.

9. You want to achieve a rather formal look is a situation in which you should use fully justified text. To double-check this answer, you can review the options and evaluate which one aligns with the purpose of using fully justified text.

10. Top left is the most important quadrant of a page according to the Z pattern eye movement. To double-check this answer, you can review the options and evaluate which one aligns with the concept of visual weight distribution on a page.

11. Avoid using any highlighting, decorative devices, or color in business documents since they make documents hard to read is a sound recommendation for creating a professional business document. To double-check this answer, you can review the options and eliminate the ones that do not align with the concept of creating professional business documents.

12. Comparative sales figures, by month, from 2004 to 2007 would be more appropriate to present in paragraph form than as a table within a document. To double-check this answer, you can review the options and evaluate which one aligns with the nature of the given data.

13. B. Cover up the fact that what is written in the document is incomplete is the visual use that visuals cannot serve in a document. To double-check this answer, you can review the options and evaluate which one does not fit the purpose of visuals in a document.

14. A table is the visual that cannot be used to compare items over time. To double-check this answer, you can review the options and evaluate which one does not fit the purpose of comparing items over time.

15. A pie chart could best illustrate the percentage of all the monies collected that each company's contribution represented. To double-check this answer, you can review the options and evaluate which one aligns with the purpose of illustrating percentages.

16. When the material is new to the audience, a full explanation of a visual would be necessary. To double-check this answer, you can review the options and evaluate which one aligns with the situation requiring a full explanation.

17. A table is used when you want an audience to focus on specific numbers. To double-check this answer, you can review the options and evaluate which one aligns with the purpose of focusing on specific numbers.

18. A pie chart is used when you want an audience to compare a segment of a whole to the whole. To double-check this answer, you can review the options and evaluate which one aligns with the purpose of comparing a segment of a whole to the whole.

19. Using very little white space to be able to accommodate as much informational test as possible is not characteristic of an effective brochure. To double-check this answer, you can review the options and evaluate which one does not align with the characteristics of an effective brochure.

20. Providing a link to the homepage on each page is recommended for an effective web page. To double-check this answer, you can review the options and evaluate which one aligns with the recommended practice for an effective web page.