What are threes major monotheistic religions in order from oldest to newest?


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Judasim, Islam, then Christianity

The three major monotheistic religions, in order from oldest to newest, are Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. To arrive at this answer, we need to explore the historical development of these religions.

1. Judaism: Judaism is the oldest of the three major monotheistic religions and dates back to roughly 2000 BCE. It originated with the Israelites in the Middle East, particularly in the region known as Canaan (present-day Israel, Palestine, and neighboring areas). The development of Judaism can be traced through the Hebrew Bible (or the Old Testament in Christian traditions), which contains the foundational texts and teachings of the religion.

2. Christianity: Christianity emerged in the 1st century CE, following the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth. Jesus is considered the central figure of Christianity and is believed by Christians to be the Son of God and the Messiah. Christianity began as a sect within Judaism but eventually diverged and developed its distinct beliefs and practices. Important Christian scriptures include the New Testament, which contains accounts of Jesus' life, teachings, and the early Christian community.

3. Islam: Islam is the youngest of the three major monotheistic religions, originating in the 7th century CE. It was founded by the prophet Muhammad, who Muslims believe received divine revelations from Allah (God) through the angel Gabriel. These revelations were compiled into the holy book of Islam, the Qur'an. Islam spread rapidly across the Arabian Peninsula and eventually expanded into a worldwide religion with diverse interpretations and sects.

To summarize, the chronological order of the major monotheistic religions is Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Learning about their historical origins and the figures they revere can provide a deeper understanding of these influential religious traditions.