beginning in the late_____, the industrial revolution transformed europe into a land of cities.

im not sure

nevermind its C. :)

To find the answer to your question about the starting point of the Industrial Revolution, you can use your internet browser and search for "start of the Industrial Revolution in Europe."

One crucial period associated with the beginning of the Industrial Revolution is the late 18th century and early 19th century. Specifically, the industrial transformation began in Great Britain around the late 18th century. This period is often referred to as the First Industrial Revolution.

At this time, the significant changes in agriculture, technology, and manufacturing processes started to shape Europe. The invention of new machinery and the development of industries, such as textile manufacturing and iron production, led to the growth of urban areas as people migrated from rural areas to cities in search of employment opportunities.

By the late 18th century, cities like Manchester, Birmingham, and Glasgow in Britain had already become major industrial centers. Eventually, the Industrial Revolution spread to other European countries, such as France, Germany, and Belgium, transforming the urban landscape across the continent.

It's important to note that the Industrial Revolution did not occur overnight, and its impact varied in different countries and regions. However, pinpointing the late 18th century as the starting point provides a general understanding of when the transformation began in Europe.