Complete and balance the following reaction, given that elemental rubidium reacts with elemental sulfur to form Rb2S?

This is rather basic. What is your main problem?

Rb + S ==? Rb2S or does your prof use

Rb + S8 ==> Rb2S

The balanced chemical equation for the reaction between rubidium and sulfur can be written as:

2 Rb + S -> Rb2S

In this reaction, two moles of rubidium combine with one mole of sulfur to produce one mole of rubidium sulfide.

To balance the reaction, we need to make sure that we have an equal number of atoms on both sides of the chemical equation.

The reaction is: Rb + S -> Rb2S

To balance the equation, we need to determine the coefficients (numbers in front of each reactant or product) that will result in an equal number of atoms on both sides.

For rubidium (Rb), there is one atom on the left side and two in Rb2S on the right side. So we need to put a coefficient of 2 in front of Rb on the left side to balance the number of rubidium atoms.

For sulfur (S), there is one atom on the right side in Rb2S. We already have a coefficient of 1, so it is already balanced.

The balanced equation is: 2Rb + S -> Rb2S