Y=-2sin pi/4(x+1/2)+3

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The given equation is in the form of y = A*sin(B(x - C)) + D, which represents a sinusoidal function. Let's break it down to understand each component:

A = -2: This represents the amplitude of the sinusoidal function. In this case, the graph will oscillate between the values of 2 above and 2 below the midline (D = 3). It measures the vertical distance between the maximum and minimum points of the graph.

B = π/4: This represents the period of the sinusoidal function. The period is the distance it takes for the sinusoidal function to complete one full cycle. To find the period, you can use the formula: Period = (2π) / |B|. In this case, Period = (2π) / |π/4| = 8π.

C = -1/2: This represents the horizontal shift. It indicates how much the graph is shifted left or right. In this case, the graph is shifted to the left by 1/2 unit.

D = 3: This represents the vertical shift or the midline of the sinusoidal function. In this case, the midline is y = 3.

By understanding these components, you can analyze and sketch the graph of the given equation.