what do you think are the most important new or expanded roles for environmental or occupational health workers in the 21st century?

I'd like to see all new food products, as well as other products used in homes and offices, tested thoroughly for dangers to people.

In the 21st century, new challenges and emerging trends have created important new roles for environmental or occupational health workers. Some of the most significant roles include:

1. Environmental Sustainability Experts: With increasing concern about climate change and its impact on public health, environmental health workers are now expected to play a role in promoting environmental sustainability. They may be involved in assessing and mitigating the health effects of environmental policies, practices, and technologies.

To find more detailed information about new roles in environmental health, you can:

- Explore academic programs and research institutions specializing in environmental health or sustainability.
- Browse professional associations such as the American Public Health Association or the International Society of Environmental Epidemiology, which often publish reports and guidelines on emerging roles.
- Look for recent publications or news articles on the subject to understand the latest developments in the field.

2. Occupational Health in the Digital Age: The advent of new technologies has brought about occupational health challenges that require specialized knowledge. Occupational health workers may now need to address issues such as job stress related to digital connectivity, ergonomic risks associated with remote work, and the impact of emerging technologies like artificial intelligence on workers' health and well-being.

To research more about the expanded roles in occupational health, you can:

- Consult academic journals like the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine or the Annals of Occupational Hygiene, which often publish articles on emerging trends and expanded roles in occupational health.
- Look for conferences or symposiums related to occupational health, where experts often discuss the changing landscape of the field.
- Engage with professional networks, such as the American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine or the International Commission on Occupational Health, to learn about the latest discussions and initiatives in occupational health.

By exploring these resources, you will stay informed about the most important new or expanded roles for environmental or occupational health workers in the 21st century and gain valuable insights into the evolving field.