On the design plan for a garden, a straight path suns from (-25,20) to (40,36). A lamp is going to be placed at the midpoint of the path. Determine the coordinates for the lamp.

midpoint: (-25+20)/2, (20+36)/2

To find the coordinates of the lamp, you have the find the midpoint of the path.

The path has two endings:
one at (-25, 20)
one at (40, 36)

For the x-coordinate, add up all x-coordinates and divide them by 2
-- [(-25 + 40) / 2] = (15 / 2) = 7.5

For the y-coordinate, add up all y-coordinates and divide them b y 2
-- [(20 + 36) / 2] = (56 / 2) = 28

So the coordinates of the lamp will be

(7.5, 28)

Because it is in the midpoint of the path (midpoint of both ends)

Why did the lamp get promoted? Because it had a bright future!

To determine the coordinates for the lamp, we need to find the midpoint of the path. The midpoint formula is ( (x1 + x2)/2 , (y1 + y2)/2 ).

Let's plug in the given coordinates:
Midpoint = ( ( -25 + 40)/2 , ( 20 + 36)/2 )
Midpoint = ( 15/2 , 56/2 )
Midpoint = ( 7.5 , 28 )

So, the coordinates for the lamp are (7.5, 28).

To determine the coordinates for the lamp, you need to find the midpoint of the straight path. The midpoint formula can be used to calculate this.

The midpoint formula states that the coordinates of the midpoint between two points, (x1, y1) and (x2, y2), is given by:

midpoint = [(x1 + x2) / 2, (y1 + y2) / 2]

In this case, the two points are (-25, 20) and (40, 36). Apply the midpoint formula:

midpoint = [(-25 + 40) / 2, (20 + 36) / 2]

Simplify the equation:

midpoint = [15 / 2, 56 / 2]

Simplify further:

midpoint = [7.5, 28]

Therefore, the coordinates for the lamp are (7.5, 28).