water pollution in the united states and canada is caused by:

_a. acid rain
_b. runoff agricultural chemicals
_c. industrial wastes

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The correct answer is:


Water pollution in the United States and Canada is caused by a combination of factors, including acid rain, runoff of agricultural chemicals, and industrial wastes. To arrive at this answer, you can consider each option and understand its contribution to water pollution:

a. Acid rain: Acid rain is a significant contributor to water pollution. It occurs when sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide emissions from industrial activities and burning fossil fuels react with water vapor in the atmosphere, forming acidic compounds. When this acidic rainwater falls on the ground, it can contaminate water bodies, leading to water pollution.

b. Runoff of agricultural chemicals: Agricultural activities, such as the use of fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides, can lead to water pollution. When it rains, these chemicals can be carried away from farms and into nearby water sources through runoff. This runoff contaminates the water and can harm aquatic life, ecosystems, and even human health.

c. Industrial wastes: Industrial activities can produce a range of wastes that can pollute water bodies if not properly managed. These industrial wastes can contain toxic chemicals, heavy metals, or other pollutants that, when discharged into rivers, lakes, or oceans, can have detrimental effects on water quality and the organisms that rely on it.

Considering the cumulative impact of acid rain, agricultural runoff, and industrial waste, all of these factors contribute to water pollution in the United States and Canada.