clear-cutting causes flooding and:

_b.acid rain
_c.thermal pollution


clear cutting, acid rain, eutrophication and other forms of water and air pollution what these are and the impact they have had on the united states

i dont even know what this is help me

Clear-cutting refers to the process of removing all trees in a specific harvested area, leaving no vegetation behind. This practice can indeed have several negative environmental impacts, one of which is increased erosion.

The correct answer is (d) erosion. When trees are clear-cut, their root systems that hold soil in place are removed, leaving the soil vulnerable to erosion. Without the roots to anchor the soil, heavy rainfall or runoff can easily wash away the exposed topsoil, leading to increased sedimentation in nearby rivers and streams. This sedimentation can clog waterways, disrupt aquatic ecosystems, and ultimately contribute to flooding.

To arrive at the answer, we can eliminate options (a), (b), and (c) as they are not directly linked to clear-cutting. Smog is primarily caused by air pollution from industrial activities and vehicle emissions. Acid rain is the result of pollutants like sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides reacting with moisture in the atmosphere. Thermal pollution refers to the increase in water temperature due to human activities, such as the discharge of heated water from industrial facilities or power plants.

Therefore, (d) erosion is the most appropriate answer as it directly relates to the environmental consequence of clear-cutting.