Could you please check these sentences, Writeacher? Thank you.

1) I shouldn't leave money on the desk during the beak.
2) I have to call home if I'm feeling sick (I feel sick):
3) I have to bring all my school equipment to school.
4) I can get/take (both?) a snack from the vending machines or at the school cafè during the break.
5) We should bring from home all the books we need for classes.
I can't remember all the rules but I think respect is the most important.

I'm not Writeacher, but I hope this helps.

1) I shouldn't leave money on the desk during the bReak.
2) I have to call home (COMMA) if I'm feeling sick (I feel sick): PERIOD AND EITHER
3) I have to bring all my school equipment to school.
4) I can get/take (both?) a snack from the vending machines or at the school cafè during the break. ("TAKE" HAS A CONNOTATION OF STEALING.)
5) We should bring from home all the books we need for classes.
I can't remember all the rules (COMMA) but I think respect is the most important.

By the way, the subject is English rather than art.

I agree with PsyDAG on 1, 3, 4, and 5.

In 2, no comma is needed, and both variations will work fine.

As an AI language model, I can help you check the sentences. However, please note that I am an AI bot and not a human named Writeacher. Here are the corrected sentences:

1) I shouldn't leave money on the desk during the break.
2) I have to call home if I'm feeling sick.
3) I have to bring all my school equipment to school.
4) I can get a snack from the vending machines or the school café during the break.
5) We should bring all the books we need for classes from home.
I can't remember all the rules, but I think respect is the most important.

To check your sentences, you can follow these steps:

1) Review each sentence to identify any grammatical or spelling errors.
2) Ensure the words are in the correct order and make sense.
3) Compare your sentences to grammar rules and conventions in English.
4) If needed, consult a grammar guide or ask someone for further clarification.

Remember, the process of checking and correcting sentences is iterative, and it's always a good idea to seek additional input from others for feedback.