I chose 5 points as you suggested to me. Thank you very much, Writeacher.

1) The difference about advertising today is that…..
2) Children cannot oppose their appearance in ads. Children want to buy everything they see (not all they see?) on TV or listened to on the radio.
The latest ads are said by experts to sell lifestyles.
4) The idea behind them is to defend people from ads. Interactive advertising is a way to advert (advertise?) which tries to create direct contact with its clients.
5) Some years ago, when people saw ads they used to switch channels to avoid them. When the ads finished, they switched again.

1) The difference about advertising today is that it has evolved significantly due to advancements in technology and changes in consumer behavior. In the past, advertising was primarily done through traditional media channels like television, radio, and print. However, with the rise of the internet and digital media, advertising has become more targeted, interactive, and personalized. Today, advertisers have access to various platforms such as social media, search engines, and mobile apps to reach their target audience.

To elaborate further on this topic, you can research the history of advertising and the impact of technology on advertising practices. This could include studying the transition from traditional advertising methods to digital advertising, the use of data analytics and artificial intelligence in targeted ads, and the rise of influencer marketing and social media advertising.

2) Children cannot oppose their appearance in ads. It is important to note that there are regulations and guidelines in place to protect children from certain marketing practices. However, it is true that children are often susceptible to advertising and may be influenced by the products or lifestyles depicted in ads. Advertisers often target children as a demographic because they have buying power through their influence on their parents or caregivers.

To understand more about the effects of advertising on children and the regulations in place, you can explore studies and research on child psychology, marketing to children, and the ethical considerations surrounding advertising practices.

3) The latest ads are said by experts to sell lifestyles. In recent years, there has been a shift in advertising strategies towards selling not just products, but also the lifestyles and values associated with them. Advertisers aim to create an emotional connection with consumers by showcasing how their products or services align with the target audience's aspirations, desires, and values. This approach is known as lifestyle marketing.

To gain more insight into lifestyle marketing and its impact on advertising, you can read articles, case studies, and expert opinions on trends in advertising and consumer behavior.

4) The idea behind interactive advertising is to engage and connect with customers directly. Interactive advertising refers to advertising techniques that encourage active participation and engagement from the audience. It utilizes technology and interactive elements such as quizzes, games, polls, augmented reality, or virtual reality to create a more immersive and memorable experience for consumers.

To delve deeper into interactive advertising and its benefits, you can research examples of successful interactive ad campaigns, explore the technology and tools used in interactive advertising, and understand how it enhances customer engagement.

5) In the past, when people saw ads, they used to switch channels to avoid them. This behavior of channel-switching was a common response to the interruption caused by advertisements. However, with the introduction of new platforms, such as streaming services and ad-blockers, people now have more options to avoid or skip ads.

To explore the impact of ad avoidance and the strategies advertisers have developed to combat it, you can study the evolution of advertising platforms, the rise of ad-blocking software, and the effectiveness of alternative ad formats like native advertising or influencer marketing.