The company Animania has employees with monthly salaries of $1700, $1400, $7000, $1550, and $2500. Find the median of these salaries.

Arrange these numbers in numerical order.

The median is the middle number.

I'll be glad to check your answer.

To find the median of a set of numbers, you need to arrange the numbers in order from least to greatest and then find the middle value.

Let's arrange the given salaries in ascending order: $700, $1400, $1550, $1700, $2500, and $7000.

Now we find the middle value, which is the median. In this case, since we have six values, the middle two values are $1550 and $1700. To find the median, you need to calculate the mean (average) of these two values.

Adding $1550 and $1700, we get $3250. Then divide the sum by 2 to get the median: $3250 รท 2 = $1625.

Therefore, the median of the given salaries is $1625.