Describe features found in the early buildings of the International Style of architecture. Who was responsible for its start and what has it developed into?

See Related Questions below.

ok i got the features down, but Who was responsible for its start ? Im looking online and it just says it was developed by a group of architects in Europe

Then you'll need to go with that group of architects. If you know any of their names, include them.

The International Style of architecture emerged in the early 20th century and became prominent in the period between the two World Wars. It is characterized by a focus on functionality, simplicity, and the use of modern materials such as glass, steel, and concrete. Some key features found in the early buildings of the International Style are:

1. Clean lines and geometric shapes: The buildings often featured straight lines, right angles, and basic geometric forms like squares and rectangles. This simplicity and uniformity reflected the desire to move away from excessive ornamentation.

2. Open floor plans: The International Style embraced open spaces and sought to create flexible interiors free from partition walls, allowing for an efficient and adaptable use of space.

3. Large windows and glass facades: The use of expansive windows and glass facades became a signature feature of the International Style. This approach maximized natural light and blurred the boundaries between indoor and outdoor spaces.

4. Lack of ornamentation: In contrast to previous architectural styles, the International Style favored a minimalist aesthetic and rejected excessive decorative elements.

The roots of the International Style can be traced back to several influential architects, including Le Corbusier, Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, and Walter Gropius. They emphasized the importance of functional design and sought to create architecture that responded to the needs of the rapidly changing modern society.

Over time, the International Style developed into the more general concept of modernist architecture, which continued to evolve through various movements and trends. Modernist architecture has influenced countless buildings and styles worldwide, shaping the design of structures in both commercial and residential contexts. Its principles are still evident in contemporary architecture today.