21. "¿Qué hizo Ud. después de levantarse hoy?" "_____"

a. Me acosté, me cepillé los dientes y me vestí
b. me bañé, me cepillé los dientes y me sequé el pelo
c. Se acostó, se cepilló los dientes y desayunó
d. se bañó, se cepilló los dientes y secó el pelo

23. "¿Fueron Paula y Marta al partido de hockey?" "No pudieron ir porque _____."
a. se bañaron temprano
b. no se peinaron
c. se secaron bien el pelo
d. se levantaron tarde

24. "¿Cuándo ___ la última vez que levantaste pesas?" "La semana pasada con entrenadora."
a. estuvo
b. fuiste
c. hizo
d. fue

25. "¿Qué hicieron Uds. ayer?" "Yo ____ un crucigrama y Roberta hizo un rompecabezas."
a. hizo
b. hice
c. hicieron
d. hago

I'll send this to Sra.

21. correct

23. correct
24. estar is temporary, location but ser is permanent. The answer is d.
25. Although the question is plural, the answer has 2 singular verbs, one to go with "yo" and one to go with Roberta. The answer is b.


For question 21, the correct answer is option A. To determine the correct answer, you need to understand the verb forms and pronouns used in the sentence. The subject of the sentence is "Ud." (you, formal singular), so the verb should be in the first person singular form. From the options provided, "me acosté, me cepillé los dientes y me vestí" is the correct answer as it matches the required form.

For question 23, the correct answer is option D. To determine the correct answer, you need to understand the context and meaning of the sentence. The question is asking why Paula and Marta couldn't go to the hockey game. Among the options provided, "se levantaron tarde" (they woke up late) is the most logical reason for them not being able to go to the game.

For question 24, the correct answer is option B. To determine the correct answer, you need to understand the sentence structure and verb tense. The sentence is asking about the last time the person lifted weights. The phrase "la última vez que levantaste pesas" indicates the second person singular form, so the correct verb form would be "fuiste" (you went).

For question 25, the correct answer is option C. To determine the correct answer, you need to understand the verb form and pronouns used in the sentence. The question is asking about what the person and Roberta did yesterday. From the options provided, "hicieron" is the correct verb form in the third person plural, matching the subject "Uds." (you all).