write the pseudocode for a program to the wages of salesman according yo the following rules the wages is calculated at a rate 15%of sale if the salesman has been with the company more than three year he has loyalty bonus of 10%of his calculated wages.

wages = sales*.15

wages *= 1.10 if time > 3

#include stdio.h #include conio.h void main( ), (

Sure! I can help you with that. Before we jump into writing the pseudocode, let's break down the problem and identify the key steps:

1. Get the sale amount from the salesman.
2. Calculate the wage as 15% of the sale.
3. Check if the salesman has been with the company for more than three years.
4. If the salesman has been with the company for more than three years, calculate the loyalty bonus as 10% of the calculated wage.
5. Add the loyalty bonus to the calculated wage.
6. Output the final wage.

Based on these steps, here's a possible pseudocode solution:

1. Input saleAmount
2. wage = saleAmount * 0.15
3. If yearsOfService > 3
4. loyaltyBonus = wage * 0.10
5. wage = wage + loyaltyBonus
6. Output wage

In this pseudocode, `saleAmount` represents the sale made by the salesman, and `yearsOfService` represents the number of years the salesman has been with the company.

Note that pseudocode is not a specific programming language, but a way to represent the logical flow of a program using simple and readable statements. You can translate this pseudocode into any programming language of your choice.