find the exact value using the unit circle cos 3.14/6

If you want exact values, you should say cos pi/6 = √3/2

Can't give the exact value of cos 3.14/6

To find the exact value of cos(3.14/6) using the unit circle, follow these steps:

1. Draw a unit circle, which is a circle with a radius of 1.

2. Identify the angle 3.14/6 radians on the unit circle. This angle is located in the first quadrant of the unit circle.

3. For a given angle in the unit circle, the x-coordinate of the corresponding point on the unit circle represents the value of cos.

4. Since the angle 3.14/6 radians is in the first quadrant, the x-coordinate of the corresponding point on the unit circle will give us the exact value of cos(3.14/6).

5. Determine the x-coordinate by finding the cosine of the angle. The cosine of 3.14/6 is √3/2.

Therefore, the exact value of cos(3.14/6) is √3/2.