Diego has $10 to spend on school supplies. He wants to buy a calculator for $5.50 and several packs of mechanical pencil for $1.50 each.

What inequality can be used to find the maximum number of packs of mechanical pencils Diego can buy?

A. 1.5p + 5.5 _< 10
B. 5.5p + 1.5 _> 10
C. 1.5p + 5.5 _> 10
D. 5.5p + 1.5 _< 10

let p = number of packs of mech pencil

the total amount he could spend is
1.5p + 5.5
and this amount cannot be greater than (but can be equal to) $10, since his only money is $10. Thus,
1.5p + 5.5 _< 10

it's A.