subjects were asked to break down into its basic elements the immediate experience of tasting an apple. This approach was used in the?

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Are you talking about introspection?

The approach of asking subjects to break down the immediate experience of tasting an apple into its basic elements is typically associated with the field of psychology known as structuralism.

Structuralism was a school of thought founded by Wilhelm Wundt in the late 19th century. It aimed to analyze the fundamental components of conscious experience and understand how they combine to form our perception of the world.

In the context of tasting an apple, subjects would be instructed to isolate and describe the basic sensory elements involved in the experience, such as the taste, texture, and smell of the apple. They might also be prompted to explore their subjective emotional and cognitive responses to the taste.

To identify the specific research study or experiment where this approach was used, more information would be needed. However, this method of breaking down an experience into its basic elements aligns with the general principles and goals of structuralism.