1-Explain how you can use a number line to show that 3/6 and 1/2 are equivalent fractions.

my son write- you can show these fractions are equivalent because if the numerator is half of the denomirator it can be 1/2 so 3/6 is just like 1/2. so that's why they are equivalent.

check it is right or not thank you

Good job! :-)

thank you very much

You're very welcome.

Explain how you can use a number line that 3/6 and 1/2 are equivalent fractions


correct thank you

That's right but, He could of also written if you simplify 3/6 by 3 you get 1/2 that's also how the are equivalent.

Just Saying but your son is also right.

Three eighths of the cast in a musical have to sing .what what fraction of the cast does not have to sing

Explain how you can use a number line to show that 3/6 and1/2 are equivalent fracions

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