I have to choose the sentence that has no error in italics. (Italicized)

a)Their lawyers are handling the case pro bono and not charging them a dime.

b)Yes, of course you can use (and) instead of a comma here.

c)Oh, I see the problem; this (three) should be an (eight) <-- I think

No italics in a)?

isn't t a?

To determine the sentence that has no error, we need to analyze each sentence option and identify any grammatical mistakes. Let's go through each option one by one:

a) "Their lawyers are handling the case *pro bono* and not charging them a dime."

This sentence is correct. "Pro bono" is a Latin phrase that means doing something for free, especially professional work. The use of *pro bono* in this sentence is appropriate, and there are no other errors.

b) "Yes, of course you can use (and) instead of a comma here."

This sentence contains an error. The word "and" should not be in parentheses. The correct sentence would be: "Yes, of course you can use 'and' instead of a comma here."

c) "Oh, I see the problem; this *(three)* should be an *(eight)*."

This sentence also has an error. The numbers "three" and "eight" should not be in parentheses. Corrected, the sentence would read: "Oh, I see the problem; this *three* should be an *eight*."

Therefore, the sentence that has no error is option a) "Their lawyers are handling the case *pro bono* and not charging them a dime."