For each type of book,list the the book type, the number of books of that type, and the total number of OnHand value for all books of that type.

To obtain the information you're looking for, you will need access to a database or a listing of books. Assuming you have this information, you can follow these steps to compile a list of each book type, the number of books of that type, and the total OnHand value for all books of that type:

1. Retrieve the list of books from the database or the book inventory.
2. Identify the different types of books. This could be based on genres (e.g., mystery, romance, science fiction) or categories (e.g., fiction, non-fiction, children).
3. Create a data structure, such as a dictionary or a table, to store the book types, the number of books, and the total OnHand value for each type. The book type will serve as the key, and the number of books and the total OnHand value will be the respective values.
4. Iterate through each book in the list.
5. Check the book's type and update the corresponding entry in the data structure:
- If the book type already exists in the data structure, increment the number of books of that type by 1 and add the book's OnHand value to the total OnHand value for that type.
- If the book type does not exist in the data structure, add a new entry with the book type as the key and set the number of books to 1 and the total OnHand value to the book's OnHand value.
6. Once you have iterated through all the books, you will have the desired information in the data structure.
7. Retrieve and present the information: For each book type, display the book type, the number of books of that type, and the total OnHand value for all books of that type.

By following these steps and applying them to your specific book information source or database, you should be able to compile the required list with the book type, number of books, and total OnHand value for each book type.