A 3m tall post casts a shadow 2m long . If a tree casts a shadow 9m long at the same time how tall is the tree ?

3/2 * x/9 = 6Meters

To find the height of the tree, we can use the concept of similar triangles.

We have a 3m tall post casting a shadow of 2m, and a tree casting a shadow of 9m at the same time.

Let's set up a proportion to find the height of the tree (x):

(Height of post) / (Shadow of post) = (Height of tree) / (Shadow of tree)

Substituting the given values:

3m / 2m = x / 9m


2m * x = 3m * 9m


2x = 27m^2

Dividing both sides by 2:

x = 27m^2 / 2

Therefore, the height of the tree is approximately 13.5 meters.

To find the height of the tree, we can set up a proportion using the heights and shadows of the post and the tree.

Let's assume the height of the tree is represented by 'x'.

The proportion would look like this:
3m (height of the post) : 2m (shadow of the post) = x (height of the tree) : 9m (shadow of the tree)

To solve this proportion, we can cross multiply:
3m * 9m = 2m * x

27m^2 = 2m * x

To isolate x, we divide both sides of the equation by 2m:
27m^2 / 2m = x

The m on the numerator and denominator cancel out, leaving us with:
x = 27m / 2

Therefore, the height of the tree is approximately 13.5 meters.

Cross multiply and solve for x.

3/2 = x/9