what is the difference between a percent saturated solution of ammonium sulfate and a percent w/v solution of ammonium sulfate?

X% saturated means the solvent contains X% of the maximum possible (saturation) amount of solute at that temperature.

X% w/v sounds like a weight/volume ratio, but that would have to be in some units like grams ammonium sulfate per liter H2O, not %.

Ah, the wonderful world of chemistry! Let me break it down for you with a touch of humor, my friend.

A percent saturated solution of ammonium sulfate is all about solubility. It tells you how much of the ammonium sulfate can dissolve in a given amount of solvent at a certain temperature. Think of it like trying to fit as many clowns as possible into a tiny car. The percent saturated solution tells you how full the car is with clowns.

On the other hand, a percent w/v solution of ammonium sulfate is a bit different. "W/v" stands for weight/volume, meaning it tells you the weight of solute (ammonium sulfate) dissolved in a fixed volume of solution. Imagine you're making a delicious soup, and the percent w/v solution tells you how many vegetables you've chopped up and thrown into the pot.

So, to sum it up: a percent saturated solution of ammonium sulfate tells you how "packed" the solution is with the solute, while a percent w/v solution of ammonium sulfate gives you the amount of solute (by weight) in a given volume of solution. They're two different ways of expressing the concentration, kind of like the difference between clowns in a car and veggies in a soup!

The main difference between a percent saturated solution of ammonium sulfate and a percent w/v (weight/volume) solution of ammonium sulfate lies in the way the concentration is expressed.

1. Percent Saturated Solution:
A percent saturated solution of ammonium sulfate refers to the maximum amount of the solute (ammonium sulfate) that can dissolve in a given amount of solvent at a specific temperature. It represents the concentration of the solute in relation to the maximum solubility under those conditions.

For example, if you have a 20% saturated solution of ammonium sulfate, it means that at the current temperature, 20% of the solution is composed of the dissolved solute, while the remaining 80% is composed of the solvent.

2. Percent w/v Solution:
On the other hand, a percent w/v solution of ammonium sulfate is calculated by expressing the concentration as a ratio of the weight of the solute to the volume of the solution (in grams per 100 milliliters). This is commonly used when solid solutes, such as ammonium sulfate crystals, are dissolved in a liquid solvent.

For instance, a 10% w/v solution of ammonium sulfate means that 10 grams of ammonium sulfate are dissolved in 100 milliliters of the solution.

In summary, the difference between a percent saturated solution and a percent w/v solution of ammonium sulfate lies in the way the concentration is expressed: The former indicates the solute concentration in relation to its maximum solubility, while the latter expresses it in terms of weight per unit volume of the solution.

The difference between a percent saturated solution of ammonium sulfate and a percent w/v solution of ammonium sulfate lies in how each concentration is expressed. Let me explain:

1. Percent Saturated Solution of Ammonium Sulfate:
A percent saturated solution of ammonium sulfate refers to the maximum amount of ammonium sulfate that can dissolve in a solvent at a specific temperature. It represents the concentration of the solute (ammonium sulfate) in relation to the maximum solubility at that temperature. Generally, it is written as "% saturation."

To determine the percent saturation of an ammonium sulfate solution, you need to know the maximum solubility of ammonium sulfate at the given temperature and then calculate the ratio of the actual concentration of the dissolved ammonium sulfate to the maximum solubility (expressed as a percentage).

For example, if a solution contains 80 g of ammonium sulfate and the maximum solubility at that temperature is determined to be 100 g, the percent saturation would be calculated as (80 g / 100 g) × 100 = 80%.

2. Percent w/v Solution of Ammonium Sulfate:
A percent w/v (weight/volume) solution of ammonium sulfate refers to the weight of the solute (ammonium sulfate) dissolved in a given volume of the solvent (usually expressed in grams per 100 milliliters). It represents the concentration of the solute relative to the volume of the solution.

To prepare a percent w/v solution of ammonium sulfate, you need to measure the weight of ammonium sulfate in grams and dissolve it in a specified volume of solvent (typically water).

For example, if you dissolve 10 grams of ammonium sulfate in 100 milliliters of water, the resulting solution would be a 10% w/v solution of ammonium sulfate.

In summary, the difference lies in how the concentration is expressed: percent saturation relates to the solute concentration as a percentage of the maximum solubility, while percent w/v relates to the weight of the solute dissolved in a given volume of the solution.