33. "¿Quieres ayudarnos a _______ periódicos?" "No puedo. Tengo que estudiar esta tarde."

a. ganar
b. soler
c. repartir
d. desayunar

35. "Tienes mucha hambre, ¿verdad?" "Claro que sí. Voy a comer ____ dos hamburguesas."
a. según
b. sin
c. antes de
d. por los menos

36. "Voy a llegar tarde a la clase de español." "Por suerte la profesora está _____ hoy."
a. de buen humor
b. de mal humor
c. trabajando como voluntario
d. en el consejo estudiantil

37. Uno debe vestirse _______
a. antes de levantarse
b. después de acostarse
c. después de levantarse
d. antes de ducharse

39. Esta tarde, voy a practicar artes marciales ____ las clases.
a. después de
b. fácilmente
c. según
d. por lo menos

43. "¿Qué instrumento toca Ud. en la orquesta?" "___________"
a. toca el contrabajo
b. tocamos la fluta
c. Toco el violin
d. Toca el saxofon
44. En el invierno, uno debe ____ después de ducharse y antes de salir de la clasa.
a. ducharse
b. secarse el pelo
c. levantarse tarde
d. despertarse temprano

45. "¿Qué haces después de las clases?" "___ de mis vecinos."
a. Me despierto
b. Reparto
c. Dependes
d. Cuido a los niños

I'll send this to Sra.

Hey, do you go to keystone?


omg me too. I noticed because you ask alot of the same questions as i do! :)

33. correct!

35. correct!

36. correct!

37. also correct!

39. Here are your choices: This afternoon, I'm going to practice martial arts____the classes
A. after B. easily C. according to D. at least. I would chooce A. after classes

43. correct!

44. correct!

45. correct!

Much better!


Thank you SraJMcGin! And Bella what grade are you in?

Im in 11th im almost in 12th. I just need to finish fine arts, I have like 3 essays left, and I still have to do the art safaris and the research papers. I was looking up my questions and came across yours for help lol. Im assuming your in 12th ?

No, I'm in 11th going to 12th too. yeah most people use my posts for help haha

Wow your like the 3rd person i found randomly on the internet that goes to the same school haha :D How old are you?

33. To answer this question, you need to understand the context of the conversation. The person is being asked if they want to help with something related to newspapers. Their response indicates that they cannot because they have to study that afternoon. The phrase that fits in the blank to make a grammatically correct sentence is "repartir," which means "to distribute." Therefore, the correct answer is c. repartir.

35. In this conversation, one person is stating that the other must be very hungry. The second person agrees and says they are going to eat "____ dos hamburguesas." To complete the sentence, the appropriate phrase is "por lo menos," which means "at least." Therefore, the correct answer is d. por lo menos.

36. The person is saying that they will arrive late to their Spanish class. The response is that luckily the teacher is "____ hoy," meaning in a particular mood. The phrase that completes the sentence is "de buen humor," which means "in a good mood." Therefore, the correct answer is a. de buen humor.

37. The sentence states that one should dress "_____" This means that the person should dress at a specific time. The phrase that completes the sentence is "después de levantarse," which means "after getting up." Therefore, the correct answer is c. después de levantarse.

39. The person is stating that they will practice martial arts this afternoon "____ las clases." The phrase that completes the sentence is "según," which means "according to." Therefore, the correct answer is c. según.

43. The question is asking which instrument the person plays in the orchestra. The person responds with "_______," indicating their instrument. The phrase that completes the sentence is "Toco el violín," which means "I play the violin." Therefore, the correct answer is c. Toco el violín.

44. The sentence is discussing what one should do in winter after showering and before leaving the house. The phrase that completes the sentence is "secarse el pelo," which means "dry one's hair." Therefore, the correct answer is b. secarse el pelo.

45. The question is asking what the person does after their classes. The response is "___ de mis vecinos," meaning they take care of their neighbors' children. The appropriate phrase to complete the sentence is "Cuido a los niños." Therefore, the correct answer is d. Cuido a los niños.