2H2S + 3O2 → 2H2O +2SO2 given the balanced equation, if 4 moles of hydrogen sulfide react:

How many moles of oxygen consumed?
How many moles of water and sulfur dioxide are produced?

Follow the coefficients.

4 mol H2S x (3 mols O2/2 mols H2S) = 4*3/2 ?
Note how the factor in parentheses converts mols H2S to mols Oxygen. For H2O it works this way.

4 mols H2S x (2 mols H2O/2 mols H2S) = 4*2/2 = ?
See the mols H2S on the bottom cancels with H2S in the numerator and leaves the unit you want to convert to.
Now you do the last one.

the first one comes 6

the second becomes 4
just i think.................!

This should be the answer...

Moles of Sulfur Dioxide:
4 mol H2S x (S mol SO2/2mol H2S) = 4*2/2=?

Ans: 4 mol SO2

To determine the number of moles of oxygen consumed, you need to use the balanced equation provided. According to the balanced equation,

2 moles of H2S react with 3 moles of O2.

Therefore, for every 2 moles of H2S consumed, you need 3/2 moles of O2.

Since 4 moles of H2S are given in the problem, you can calculate the number of moles of O2 required as:

(4 moles H2S) x (3/2 moles O2 / 2 moles H2S) = 6 moles of O2 consumed.

Now, let's determine the number of moles of water and sulfur dioxide produced. According to the balanced equation,

2 moles of H2S react to produce 2 moles of H2O and 2 moles of SO2.

Therefore, if 4 moles of H2S react, the number of moles of H2O and SO2 produced will be the same, which is also 4 moles for each.