What solutions are offered by "An enemy of the people" By Henrik Ibsen?


I got this so far I just need to more please help!!..

1-New taxes on the townspeople
2- baths needed to be repaired
3- keep the Baths open and correcting the problem
4-The pipes must be re-laid in order to purify the water.

"To find out what solutions are offered by Henrik Ibsen's play "An Enemy of the People," you can start by reading the play itself. "An Enemy of the People" is a well-known play written by Henrik Ibsen in 1882.

The story revolves around Dr. Thomas Stockmann, who discovers that the water in his town's famous baths is polluted and poses a health risk to the residents. He believes that the baths should be closed immediately to prevent further harm. However, his concerns are dismissed by the local authorities and influential businesses, as they fear the economic consequences of closing the baths.

As the play progresses, Dr. Stockmann faces opposition from various characters, including his own brother, who is the town's mayor. Despite the challenges, Dr. Stockmann persists in exposing the truth and fighting for what he believes is right.

In terms of solutions offered in the play, Ibsen raises important questions about morality, truth, and the responsibility of individuals in society. The play encourages the audience to think critically about how power dynamics and economic interests can influence decision-making.

While there may not be specific outlined solutions in the play, some possible solutions implied or suggested are:

1. Holding those in power accountable: By challenging the corruption and self-interest of the local authorities and businesses, Dr. Stockmann emphasizes the need for transparency and accountability in decision-making processes.

2. Raising public awareness: Dr. Stockmann persistently tries to inform and rally the public about the dangers of the polluted baths. By getting the community involved and informed, there is a chance for collective action and support for change.

3. Speaking up against injustice: The play encourages individuals to stand up for what they believe is right, even if it means going against popular opinion. It highlights the importance of speaking truth to power and standing up against injustice, regardless of the consequences.

Ultimately, the solutions implied in "An Enemy of the People" revolve around questioning authority, raising public awareness, and advocating for truth and justice. The play serves as a critique of societal structures and calls for individuals to take responsibility for their actions and decisions."