Asalesperson drove 238,159,87,163 and 198 miles on a 5-day trip.What was the mean number of miles driven per day?

The Mean is the average.

1-We add the number of miles driven.

238 + 159 + 87 + 163 + 198 = 845

2-We now divide 845 by 5.

845/5 = Mean

169 miles = Mean


To find the mean number of miles driven per day, you need to divide the total number of miles driven by the number of days. In this case, the total number of miles driven is: 238 + 159 + 87 + 163 + 198 = 845 miles.

Since the trip was 5 days long, you divide the total number of miles by 5: 845 / 5 = 169.

Therefore, the mean number of miles driven per day is 169 miles.