Oh!!!! Ms.Sue, the question said

"Explain the Iroquoise pollitical system".


thank you

You're welcome.

Certainly! The Iroquois political system, also known as the Iroquois Confederacy or the Haudenosaunee Confederacy, was a system of governance developed by the indigenous people of northeastern North America. It was composed of six nations: the Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Cayuga, Seneca, and Tuscarora. The Iroquois political system was characterized by its advanced structure and principles of democracy, which influenced the formation of the United States' political structure.

To explain the Iroquois political system, you would need to provide information about its key components and how it operated. Here's a step-by-step guide on how you can approach your explanation:

1. Begin by providing an overview of the Iroquois Confederacy, including its significance and historical context.
2. Explain the structure of the Confederacy, which was based on a matrilineal kinship system. This means that family ties were traced through the mother's lineage, and women played a crucial role in decision-making.
3. Discuss the League of Nations, which was the central governing body of the Confederacy. This league featured a council made up of representatives from each of the six nations. Each nation had equal representation and a voice in the decision-making process.
4. Detail the functioning of the council and its decision-making procedures, such as the use of consensus-based decision making. In this process, all council members needed to reach an agreement through discussion and negotiation.
5. Highlight the significance of the Great Law of Peace, which was a constitution-like document that governed the Confederacy. It outlined the rights, responsibilities, and protocols for the council, chiefs, and clan matrons.
6. Explain how the council's decisions were executed and implemented within each nation. Each nation had the autonomy to govern its internal affairs and make decisions based on the broader guidelines established by the Confederacy.
7. Discuss the role of chiefs and clan matrons in the political system, explaining their responsibilities and influence within their respective nations.
8. Describe the significance of the longhouse, which served as both a physical dwelling for extended families and a symbol of unity and peace among the nations.

By following these steps, you will be able to provide a detailed explanation of the Iroquois political system, giving your audience a thorough understanding of its structure, function, and influence.