What pope urban 11 initiate at the Council of Clermont ,and why ?

A.the Reconwuista; to expel non-Christians from spain
B.the Crusades;to free the Holy Land from non-Christian control
C.a schismm;to excommunicate Henry ll for violating Church law
D.scholasticism;to support Christian beliefs using reason
My answer is ... b?

Right. :-)

Thank you :)

You're welcome.

Yes, your answer is correct. Pope Urban II initiated the Crusades at the Council of Clermont in order to free the Holy Land from non-Christian control. The Crusades were a series of military campaigns launched by the Catholic Church during the Middle Ages. Pope Urban II called for Christians to take up arms and join the Crusades to reclaim Jerusalem and other important Christian sites from the Muslims who had control over them. The Crusades aimed to defend and expand Christian territories, as well as to unify the Christian world under the authority of the Church. It is worth noting that the Crusades had significant religious, political, and economic motivations, and their impact on history continues to be studied and debated to this day.