I am stuck on this question

The length of a rectangle is fixed at 26 cm what widths will make the perimeter greater than 82 cm?

let the width be w

Perimeter > 82
2L + 2w > 82
52 + 2w > 82
2w > 30
w > 15

To find the widths that will make the perimeter of a rectangle greater than 82 cm, we need to understand the formula for the perimeter of a rectangle.

The perimeter of a rectangle is given by the formula: P = 2L + 2W, where P is the perimeter, L is the length, and W is the width of the rectangle.

In this case, the length of the rectangle is fixed at 26 cm. We are looking for the widths that will result in a perimeter greater than 82 cm.

To find the widths, we can rearrange the formula and solve for W:

P = 2L + 2W
82 = 2(26) + 2W
82 = 52 + 2W
30 = 2W
15 = W

So, any width greater than 15 cm will make the perimeter of the rectangle greater than 82 cm.