I have to write an essay on the legacy of the Enligntenment. Can any one provided me with websites for resources

I need help

Here is a good place to start:

Notice the characteristics of the Age of Enlightment: the use of reason and logic. The less reliance on beliefs, and dogma.

We will be happy to critique your thinking on this. I sounds like a fun essay.

Sure, here are some websites that you can use as resources for your essay on the legacy of the Enlightenment:

1. The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy: This is an authoritative source that provides in-depth articles on various philosophical topics, including the Enlightenment. You can visit their website at https://plato.stanford.edu/ and search for articles related to the Enlightenment.

2. The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy: Similar to the Stanford Encyclopedia, this online resource offers comprehensive articles on philosophical subjects. You can explore their website at https://www.iep.utm.edu/ and look for articles related to the Enlightenment.

3. The Library of Congress: The Library of Congress website has a vast collection of primary sources, documents, and exhibits related to the Enlightenment. You can access their website at https://www.loc.gov/ and search for resources using terms such as "Enlightenment" or "Age of Reason".

4. Project Gutenberg: This online library offers free access to a wide range of books, including many works from Enlightenment thinkers. You can visit their website at https://www.gutenberg.org/ and search for specific books or authors related to the Enlightenment.

5. Academic journals and databases: Your school or university library may provide access to academic journals and databases that contain scholarly articles on the Enlightenment. Examples of popular databases include JSTOR, Academic Search Complete, and ProQuest. Check with your library to see if you have access to these resources.

Remember, while these websites can provide valuable information, it's important to critically evaluate and cross-reference the information you gather. Verify the credibility and authority of the sources you use to ensure the accuracy of your essay.