a. In which case will there be more current in each of three lamps - if they are connected to the same battery in series or in parallel?

b. In which case will ther be more voltage across each lamp?

a. In parallel

b. In parallel

a. To determine which case will produce more current in each of the three lamps, we need to understand the behavior of series and parallel circuits.

- Series circuit: In a series circuit, the components (lamps in this case) are connected one after the other, creating a single path for current to flow. The current passing through each component is the same, as there are no alternative paths. Therefore, the current will be equal in each of the three lamps if they are connected in series.

- Parallel circuit: In a parallel circuit, the components are connected side by side, creating multiple paths for current to flow. Each component has its own branch, allowing the current to divide among them. In this case, each lamp will have a separate current flowing through it.

Since the lamps are connected to the same battery, the total current drawn from the battery will be the sum of the individual currents. In a series circuit, where the current is the same through each lamp, the total current is equal to the current flowing through one lamp. In a parallel circuit, where the current divides among the lamps, the total current is the sum of the currents through each lamp.

Therefore, if three lamps are connected to the same battery, they will have more current in each lamp if they are connected in parallel rather than in series.

b. In terms of voltage across each lamp, the behavior is different from current.

- Series circuit: In a series circuit, the total voltage of the battery is divided among the components. If each lamp has the same resistance, the voltage across each lamp will be equal. So, if three lamps are connected in series, the voltage across each lamp will be the same.

- Parallel circuit: In a parallel circuit, the voltage across each component is the same as the total voltage of the battery. So, if three lamps are connected in parallel, the voltage across each lamp will be the same.

In both cases (series and parallel), the voltage across each lamp will be equal. Therefore, connecting the lamps in either series or parallel will result in the same voltage across each lamp.