In a sentence with a direct object... the action goes from the Subject -> verb-> noun. I bit my brother.


In a sentence with a direct object AND an indirect object. The action goes from the Subject -> verb (past the Indirect Object) ->Noun. I gave my brother a whack. I -> whack (DO) ->brother (IO). The Indirect object is usually found between the verb and the object. I gave mom the spoon... I gave spoon (Do) then it went to mom (IO)

A predicate NOUN is found after a being verb...(am, is, are, be, being, been). It is saying that the subject = Pred.Noun. He = brother. He is brother. He = musician.

Predicate Adjective is also found after a being verb. The adjective is a characteristic of the subject.
Brother = tall. Brother is tall.

Hope this helps. If you will go through your sentences and re-post, I will be happy to correct your mistakes.

I nn to know if it is direct object/indirect object predicate noun or predicate adjective for the following words in capital letters

I sent HER an EMAIL yesterday to confirm the date of the meeting

Elton John is a pop ICON

She seemed HONEST but i was deceived

Give ME a break

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. In number 1 you sent an e-mail (direct object because it answers the question WHAT did you send) and (to) her (indirect object with either stated or understood "to/at/for/from."

#2 Icon is a noun.

#3 Honest is an adjective.

#4 Actually you are giving a "break" (direct object) (to) me (indirect object pronoun.)

1. Direct Object: an EMAIL

Indirect Object: HER

2. Predicate Noun: ICON

3. Predicate Adjective: HONEST

4. Direct Object: a break
Indirect Object: ME

To determine whether the words in capital letters are direct objects, indirect objects, predicate nouns, or predicate adjectives, we need to analyze their roles in the sentences.

1. "I sent HER an EMAIL yesterday to confirm the date of the meeting."
- "an EMAIL" is the direct object because it answers the question "What did I send?"
- "HER" is the indirect object because it answers the question "To whom did I send the email?"

2. "Elton John is a pop ICON."
- "ICON" is a predicate noun because it renames the subject, Elton John, and identifies what he is.

3. "She seemed HONEST, but I was deceived."
- "HONEST" is a predicate adjective because it describes the subject, she.

4. "Give ME a break."
- "a break" is the direct object because it answers the question "What should you give?"
- "ME" is the indirect object because it answers the question "To whom should you give the break?"

I hope this explanation helps you understand how to determine the roles of words in sentences! If you have any more questions, feel free to ask.