square ABCD has the centers of 4 equal circles as its vertics. Find the shaded area

To find the shaded area, we need to determine the area of the square and subtract the total area of the four circles. Let's go step by step to calculate it.

Step 1: Find the area of the square.
Since we know that a square has all its sides equal, we need to find the length of one side and then calculate the area. Let's assume the length of one side is 's'.

Step 2: Find the radius of the circles.
Since the centers of the circles are the vertices of the square, the distance from the center of one circle to its circumference (or radius) will be half the length of one side of the square. Therefore, the radius (r) will be equal to s/2.

Step 3: Find the area of one circle.
The area of a circle is given by the formula: A = πr². Substituting r = s/2 into this equation, we can find the area of one circle.

Step 4: Find the total area of four circles.
Since there are four equal circles, we multiply the area of one circle by four to get the total area of the four circles.

Step 5: Subtract the total area of four circles from the area of the square.
Finally, subtract the total area of the four circles from the area of the square to find the shaded area.

Please provide the length of one side of the square or any additional information if available, and I will guide you in performing the calculations to find the shaded area.