Find the standard divisor (to two decimal places) for the given population and number of representative seats. Assume the population is equal to 8,640,000 and number of seats is 15.


To find the standard divisor, we need to divide the population by the number of representative seats. In this case, the population is 8,640,000 and the number of seats is 15.

So, the standard divisor can be calculated as follows:
Standard Divisor = Population / Number of Seats

Standard Divisor = 8,640,000 / 15

Using a calculator, we can find the standard divisor:
Standard Divisor ≈ 576,000

Therefore, the standard divisor (to two decimal places) for a population of 8,640,000 and 15 representative seats is approximately 576,000.

To find the standard divisor, we can use the following formula:

Standard divisor = Population / Number of seats

Given that the population is 8,640,000 and the number of seats is 15, we can substitute these values into the formula:

Standard divisor = 8,640,000 / 15

Calculating this:

Standard divisor ≈ 576,000

So, the standard divisor for the given population and number of representative seats is approximately 576,000.