Home Size The average size F in square feet of new U.S. homes built during year x is estimated by the formula F = 34x - 65,734, where x is any year from 2002 to 2008. In which year was the average home size 2504 square feet?

2504 = 34x - 65734

x = 2007

Thanks Steve for the answer

But how did you get 2007? sorry I am just confused and I want to make sure I do it correct for any upcoming equations like this one.

Thanks Steve... I think I got now..! :)

First I simplify the equation:
2504 = 34x + -65734
then reoder the equation to:
2504 = -65734 + 34x

Then add -34x to each side of the equation.
2504 + -34x = -65734 + 34x + -34x

Then I combine like terms 34x + -34x = 0
2504 + -34x = -65734 + 0

Then added -2504 to each side of the equation
2504 + -2504 + -34x = -65734 + -2504

Then I combine like terms: 2504 + -2504 = 0
0 + -34x = -65734 + -2504
-34x = -65734 + -2504

Combine like terms: -65734 + -2504 = -68238
-34x = -68238

Then I divided -34 which it equals to:
x = 2007
Therefore, the year with the average home size of 2504 square feet? 2007

Nice work, but w-a-a-a-y too much :-)

2504 = 34x - 65734
add 65734 to each side:
68238 = 34x
divide by 34
2007 = x

To find the year when the average home size was 2504 square feet, you need to solve the equation F = 2504, where F represents the average home size.

The given formula to estimate the average home size is F = 34x - 65,734. By substituting 2504 for F, we get:

2504 = 34x - 65,734

To solve this equation for x, we will isolate the variable x by bringing the constant term (-65,734) to the other side:

34x = 65,734 + 2504

34x = 68,238

Now, divide both sides of the equation by 34 to solve for x:

x = 68,238 / 34

x ≈ 2007

Therefore, the average home size was 2504 square feet in the year 2007.