what do my paper needs

Im applying for the E R register position at Greenwood Leflore Hospital. I gain knowledge working as a floor secretary and working along with nurses. The experience taught me the value of human life. Learning to feel what a person has for a sick love one. After encounter much runess from Nuses and doctor. I would like to give compassion back to the community. Working as a E R. Register this will help the community, if you can see one smmiling face or one kind word. This will help make just one more day .

Your writing is pretty bad, gramatically. Sentences are incomplete, missing words, mispelling. Your thoughts are good, it is just that the mechanics are very bad.

I do not know if the ER Register needs those skills, I am just uncertain.

What I do suggest you start on is a program of reading: Not magazines, nor newspapers, but quality books. Read one a week. We learn the use of language by reading, and I sense you for the most of your life have not read much.

Now on this, do this: Read it aloud, sentence by sentence, with a trusted friend. You are likely to catch most of your errors that way. Then, retype what you have, and let us have a crack at it.

I think it would help you to read this biography: We can overcome poor writing and reading skills. It is not easy. Nothing worthwhile is easy, nor quick.


Write a journal entry describing a day in the life of a snake in the wild from the snake's point of view. At least 5 sentences

To understand what your paper needs for your application for the E R register position at Greenwood Leflore Hospital, here are a few suggestions:

1. Start with a clear and concise cover letter: Begin your paper by addressing the hiring manager or the person responsible for reviewing applications. State your intention to apply for the E R register position and mention the specific hospital and department you are applying to.

2. Highlight relevant experience: In your paper, mention that you have previously worked as a floor secretary and have experience working alongside nurses. Explain how this experience has given you knowledge about the healthcare industry and the value of human life.

3. Describe your skills and qualities: Elaborate on the skills and qualities you have developed in your previous roles, such as the ability to empathize with patients and their families, being attentive to their needs, and providing compassionate care. Discuss any relevant training or certifications you have obtained.

4. Explain your motivation: State your desire to give back to the community and make a positive impact as an E R register. Share personal anecdotes, experiences, or moments that motivated you to pursue this career path.

5. Address the hospital's values and mission: Research Greenwood Leflore Hospital and familiarize yourself with their mission, values, and any specific requirements they may have for the E R register position. Align your paper with these values and demonstrate how you can contribute to their mission.

6. Proofread and edit: It is important to proofread your paper before submitting it. Check for any grammatical errors, typos, or formatting issues. Ensure that your thoughts are clearly communicated and that the content flows well.

Remember, the purpose of your paper is to convince the hiring manager that you are a qualified and passionate candidate for the E R register position. Tailor your paper to highlight your relevant experience, skills, and motivations, while also showcasing your ability to contribute to the hospital and the community.