I still have a few things I'd like you to consider, Writeacher.

Thank you very much.

1) She refused to go to the dentist's
We are planning to move into a new house.
2) They offered me to go for a week in Egypt: They offered to let me go to Egypt for a week.
They offered me a one-week tour of Egypt.
3) Would you remind me to switch off the light?
4) She encouraged me to be quiet at the exams. She encouraged to be calm during the exam.
5) He put off meeting her on Friday.
He admitted stealing the monkey from the zoo. He fed it on bananas.
He arranged to invite his friends to see it.
6) He forced to give it back to the zoo.
After a long time the zoo forgot having been stolen (??)sa monkey.
7) The monkey for sadness of being abandoned gave up eating.
He was got to give back the animal

1) She refused to go to the dentist's office.

She refused to go to the dentist.

We are planning to move into a new house. = OK

2) They offered to let me go to Egypt for a week. = OK

They offered me a one-week tour of Egypt. = OK

3) OK

4) She encouraged me to be quiet at the exams. = not OK

She encouraged to be calm during the exam. = OK

5) He put off meeting her on Friday. = OK

He admitted stealing the monkey from the zoo. He fed it bananas.

He invited his friends to see it.

6) He was forced to give it back to the zoo.

After a long time, the zoo forgot the monkey had been stolen.

7) The monkey gave up eating because of its sadness after being abandoned.

He was got to give back the animal = not OK

1) The first sentence states that "She refused to go to the dentist's." To understand this sentence, we can break it down into three parts:

- "She refused": This means that someone (referred to as "she") declined or said no to something.
- "to go": This indicates that the action that she refused was going somewhere.
- "to the dentist's": This specifies the destination where she refused to go, which in this case is the dentist's office.

2) The second sentence states that "They offered me to go for a week in Egypt: They offered to let me go to Egypt for a week." The sentence can be understood in two ways:
- "They offered me to go for a week in Egypt": This means that they made an offer to the speaker, allowing them to go to Egypt for a week.
- "They offered to let me go to Egypt for a week": This means that they offered to give permission to the speaker to go to Egypt for a week.

Additionally, the sentence mentions "They offered me a one-week tour of Egypt." This means that they proposed or suggested a guided trip or excursion for one week in Egypt.

3) The sentence "Would you remind me to switch off the light?" can be understood as a request for someone to help remember to turn off the light. Here's how we can break it down:
- "Would you remind me": This part is a polite way of asking someone to remember or prompt the speaker about something.
- "to switch off": This specifies the action that the speaker needs help remembering, which is to turn off.
- "the light": This specifies what needs to be turned off, which is the light.

4) The sentence "She encouraged me to be quiet at the exams. She encouraged to be calm during the exam." can be understood as follows:
- "She encouraged me": This means that someone (referred to as "she") gave support or motivation to the speaker.
- "to be quiet at the exams": This specifies the behavior or action that was encouraged, which is being quiet during the exams.
- "She encouraged to be calm during the exam": This seems to contain a slight error as it lacks a subject before "encouraged." However, assuming it means the same thing, it would mean that someone encouraged the general concept of being calm during the exam.

5) The first sentence "He put off meeting her on Friday." means that he postponed or delayed meeting her on Friday. It can be understood as:
- "He put off": This expression means that he delayed or rescheduled.
- "meeting her on Friday": This specifies what was postponed, which is the act of meeting the person on Friday.

The subsequent sentences seem to be unrelated statements about a monkey and its theft from a zoo. It would be helpful to provide more context or clarify the questions related to these sentences.

6) The sentence "He forced to give it back to the zoo." seems to be missing a subject before "forced." However, assuming it means "He was forced to give it back to the zoo," it means that he was compelled or made to return something (presumably the monkey) to the zoo.

7) The sentence "The monkey for sadness of being abandoned gave up eating" seems to suggest that the monkey stopped eating due to the sadness of being abandoned. It can be understood as:
- "The monkey for sadness of being abandoned": This describes the reason or cause for the monkey's action.
- "gave up eating": This means that the monkey stopped or quit eating.

The final part of the sentence "He was got to give back the animal" seems to be incomplete or contain errors. It would be helpful to provide more context or clarify the intended meaning of this statement.