a floor plan has a scale of 2cm : 3m

what is the actual length of a room measuring 30 cm on the floor plan?

I got to 20 is that correct?

To solve this problem, you need to use the given scale of the floor plan, which is 2cm : 3m. This means that every 2 centimeters on the floor plan represents 3 meters in reality.

Now, you want to find the actual length of a room that measures 30 cm on the floor plan. To do this, divide the length on the floor plan by the scale factor:

Length on the floor plan / Scale factor = Actual length

So, substituting the values:

30 cm / 2 cm : 3 m = 15 : 3 = 5 meters

Therefore, the actual length of the room is 5 meters. Your answer of 20 meters appears to be incorrect.


How have you been taught to solve this kind of problem?

I can show you two different ways.

i cant figure how to do this can you explain

is it 90

i got
2cm/ 3m = 30 cm/n
= 2n = 3 (30)
= n = 90

One way to do this is to set up a proportion or ration.

2 cm is to 3 m as 30 cm is to ? m

2/3 = 30/x

Cross multiply and solve for x.

2x = 90

Divide both sides by 2.

x = 45 m